the Mindful Explorer: awesome experience through playful presence
Exploring our innate skills to cultivate curiosity, expand awareness, and encourage compassion for personal growth and enhanced connections with community and the natural world.
In our offerings we focus on one or a combination of the following:
Arts and Creativity
Health and Wellbeing
Example program options:
Mindful Nature Immersion (similar to Forest Bathing)
Nature Journaling (writing and/or art making)
Terrarium Making and Micro Naturescapes (indoor or out)
Mandala Making (and/or other arts activities)
Museum Sage (intuitive art interaction)
Creative Contemplatives (mindful retreats for creatives)
Magic of Mind; Explorations in Consciousness
Mindfulness; many options available
Collaborations — custom programs according to your group needs
About the coordinator:
Richard Bonk has a Masters of Education in Counseling and has worked for over 30 years in healthcare, education and as a counselor. He is also an artist, amateur naturalist, and meditator of over 40 years. Richard brings his passion for exploring and interfacing with the outer natural world and the inner world of the mind and heart to these offerings. His hope is that through these experiences the body grounds in the senses, the mind opens and expands and the heart is moved to care.
fees negotiable; we want everyone to have access!