Guided Experiences by Bonk (check back for active link shortly)
Useful (admittedly biased) resources.
Waking, Dreaming and Being, Evan Thompson
The Mind Iluminated, John Yates, Mathew Imugret, Jeremy Graves
The Island,
Lucid Dreaming, Robert Waggoner
Dream and Sleep Yoga, Andrew Holecek
Jung’s Map of the Soul, Murray Stein
Dreaming Yourself Awake, B. Alan Wallace
The International Association for the Study of Dreams
Dharma Treasure (Arizona)
Common Ground Meditation Center (Minneapolis)
The Awake Network
Mindful Leaders
Center for Healthy Minds
Mind and Life institute
Jungian (anywhere)
the Tarot (Crowley and Rider Waite)
I Ching, Book of Changes
your inner guides